With the addition of many popular ethnic food replicas, this package is very useful when working with clients who enjoy eating diverse foods or for encouraging others to add variety to their diet.
Resealable bags are included for storage.
The 27 food replicas include:
- apple sauce,
- banana, half,
- beans, refried,
- blackberries,
- cantaloupe,
- carrots,
- cauliflower,
- cookie, chocolate chip,
- enchiladas,
- ham slice,
- juice, grape,
- lettuce, leaf,
- macaroni,
- oatmeal,
- pancakes,
- pineapple,
- pizza,
- prunes,
- rice, Spanish,
- rice, white,
- roast beef,
- sausage, pork,
- shrimp,
- spinach,
- steak,
- stew, beef,
- taco,
- tortilla, flour.