This large assortment contains a wide variety of favorite replicas from each food group and two beverages.
With so many foods to choose from, you’ll be able to create many balanced and nutritious meals for educational displays.
Resealable bags are included for storage.
The 38 included food replicas:
- banana, whole,
- bread, whole wheat,
- broccoli,
- bun, hamburger,
- butter,
- cake, angel food,
- carrot sticks,
- cereal, cornflakes,
- cheese, cottage,
- cheese, Swiss,
- chicken breast,
- chicken leg,
- chicken thigh,
- cornbread,
- dressing, French,
- egg, fried,
- egg, hard cooked, half,
- fish, broiled,
- gelatin,
- grapefruit, half,
- hamburger,
- ice cream, chocolate,
- juice, orange,
- ketchup,
- milk, skim,
- onion, slice,
- orange,
- peach, whole,
- peaches, canned,
- peanut butter,
- peas, frozen,
- pork chop,
- potato, baked,
- raisins,
- rice, brown,
- salad,
- strawberries,
- yams.