Includes the following 49 Nasco food replicas and resealable bags for storage:
- almonds,
- apple,
- asparagus,
- banana,
- beans, green,
- beans, red,
- beets,
- blueberries,
- bread slice, white,
- bread slice, whole grain,
- broccoli,
- bun, hamburger,
- butter pat,
- cantaloupe,
- carrots,
- cauliflower,
- cereal, dry,
- cheese, cubes,
- cheesecake,
- chicken breast,
- cookie, chocolate chip,
- corn,
- cottage cheese,
- cracker, whole grain,
- dressing, French,
- egg, fried,
- grapefruit,
- hamburger, broiled,
- ice cream, vanilla,
- juice, orange,
- margarine,
- mayonnaise,
- milk, chocolate,
- milk, skim,
- oatmeal,
- peaches,
- peanut butter,
- pear,
- popcorn,
- potato, baked,
- rice, brown,
- salad, tossed,
- spaghetti,
- strawberries,
- sunflower kernels,
- tilapia,
- tortilla, flour,
- tuna,
- yogurt.