2021 Release and 10th Edition of our best-selling Defibrillation & CPR learner guide.
Author, John Haines is an ex MICA Flight Paramedic with over 30 years experience in First Aid provision and teaching. Written by trainers; for trainers.
Mapped to HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and backwards compatible with the old HLTAID001 unit. No further licence is required to use these within your own RTO.
This title also includes the assessment knowledge as a bonus, so it is all you need to deliver the CPR units.
Trainer resources are housed at our new portal and downloadable as .Zip files for old and new courses. You will find mapping, overlays, compliance and any relevant RTO materials for all publications at:
This book uses QR code technology, simply scan codes and it becomes alive with a video library, making learning more enjoyable and engaging.