The AeroKit™ Mini Modulator First Aid Kit is ideal for small workplaces, household, vehicle, and adventure use. This kit contains essential items for the treatment of burns and eye wounds, twists and sprains, stings and snakebites and cuts and scrapes! Be prepared for an emergency with your AeroKit™ Mini Modulator.
5 Fast Access Modules
1 Personal Essentials Bag
125 First Aid Contents
Stings & Snakebites Module - GBKMODSS
Code Description Qty
AFHSB100 AEROFORM Snake Bite Bandage with Indicator 10cm x 10.5M1
SBC001 AEROGUIDE Snake Bite Card1
ABC10 AEROBAND Cotton Calico Triangular Bandage 110 x 110 x 155cm1
AII2500 AEROCOOL Instant Ice Pack 80g1
AF75 AEROFORM Conforming Bandage 7.5cm x 4M1
AA01 AEROAID Antiseptic Cream Sachets 1g3
AGNPF02 AEROGLOVE Nitrile Powder-Free Gloves Pair/21
APD50S AEROPAD Non-Adherent Dressing 5 x 5cm1
Twists & Sprains Module - GBKMODTS
Code Description Qty
ABC10 AEROBAND Cotton Calico Triangular Bandage 110 x 110 x 155cm1
ASP12 AEROPINS Medium Safety Pins3
AFH100 AEROFORM Heavyweight Conforming Bandage 10cm x 4M1
AGNPF02 AEROGLOVE Nitrile Powder-Free Gloves Pair/21
AF50 AEROFORM Conforming Bandage 5cm x 4M1
ATB130 AERORESCUE Thermal Blanket 140 x 210cm1
Cuts & Scrapes Module - GBKMODCS
Code Description Qty
AFP50125 AEROPLAST Premium Fabric Standard Strip 7.2 x 1.9cm25
AWD14S AEROWOUND #14 Wound Dressing 12 x 12cm1
APWCB10 AEROPLAST Butterfly Wound Closures 45 x 10mm10
AGNPF02 AEROGLOVE Nitrile Powder-Free Gloves Pair/21
AP10125 AEROPLAST Plastic Standard Strip 7.2 x 1.9cm25
AGS755S AEROSWAB Sterile White Gauze Swab 7.5 x 7.5cm6
AII2500 AEROCOOL Instant Ice Pack 80g1
AP325 AEROTAPE White Microporous Paper Tape 2.5cm x 5M1
AA01 AEROAID Antiseptic Cream Sachets 1g1
AW8000 AEROWIPE Alcohol-Free Cleansing Wipes2
APD1013S AEROPAD Non-Adherent Dressing 10 x 10cm 2
Burns & Eye Wounds Module - GBKMODBE
Code Description Qty
AW1000 AEROWASH Sodium Chloride Eyewash Ampoule 15ml5
AF75 AEROFORM Conforming Bandage 7.5cm x 4M1
AP312 AEROTAPE White Microporous Paper Tape 1.25cm x 5M1
AEP1S AEROPAD Non-Adherent Eye Pads 5.5 x 7.7cm2
AW8000 AEROWIPE Alcohol-Free Cleansing Wipe1
ABS2020 AEROBURN Polyethylene Burn Sheet 20 x 20cm1
AGNPF02 AEROGLOVE Nitrile Powder-Free Gloves Pair/21
AB3 AEROBURN Burn Gel Sachet 3.5g3
E.ABD10 AEROBURN Burn Gel Dressing 10 x 10cm1
Quick Access Pouch Module - QAPM01
Code Description Qty
ASC13 AEROINSTRUMENTS Stainless Steel Sharp/Blunt Scissors 13cm1
AFS001 AEROSHIELD Disposable Face Shield1
AGL001 AEROGUIDE First Aid Leaflet1
ASP100 AEROPROBE Splinter Probes 3.7cm10
AF13 AEROINSTRUMENTS Stainless Steel Sharp Forceps 13cm1